Monday, March 25, 2013

Biblical farm-life 101

In the Bible many symbolic relationships show evidence validating what God is wanting us to learn.We all know how Jesus and the Bible throughout uses the picture of a field and the harvest when referencing the spreading of the gospel. Consider this my thoughts on a deeper evidence of that picture.

Oxen/Bulls represent priest like figures. They plow the field and prepare it. The break the hard crust and pull the plow (the Law).

Donkeys are the carriers of the seed. They bring the good news to the fields. When you think of Mary and Joseph and coming to Bethlehem, Balaam, and the triumphant entry into Jerusalem by Jesus...are you getting the picture. Jesus asked for the Donkey and its colt...could that be that the colt will be a symbol that there are two parts to this gospel, and one yet to be fulfilled it hasn't matured yet. One that signifies the end of the exile from God, and the other of His authority as Lord over all creation through the resurrection.

Barley and Wheat represent the the two types of bread that comes from the earth. The bread represents the life and our witness of who we are. The seeds are distinguished as Jew and Gentile...can you guess which is which? The wheat represents the the harvest that comes second in the late fall. It is the message to and through the Jewish people of Israel. The Barley is the early spring harvest, the crop that signifies the beginning of the feasts. The barley when ripe and the new moon are two keys to the timing of events to come. The barley must turn white, signifying its readiness to be harvested. The wheat ties its significance the the Jews and the barley into gentiles in its application through out the Bible.

The other significant harvest is that of the grapes and olives...I will share that in the next blog post. as well as the fig tree and its fruit symbolism.

The livestock consume the harvest. Did you ever notice that the sheep eat selectively, yet goats will eat everything (thorns, briers, kudzu, poison ivy, etc). The oxen are validated to eat from the fields that the work.

Also consider that the bulls/oxen were denoted sacrifices for the priests, and rams for the people's sins. The bread and grain offerings, the wine for the drink offering. The olive oil and the frankincense are also harvested.

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