Saturday, March 2, 2013

Jewish Roots -A look at Paul’s letter to Messianic Hebrews

v  Hebrews as the other letters of the bible had NO chapters. They were just one long letter (think about how you read a letter vs. a book of the Bible) The only way to comprehend the depth of Hebrews is to read the entire First Testament (aka Torah) Hebrews written by Paul / during the 40 years between the crucifixion and the physical temple being destroyed. [28 A.D. – 68 A.D.]  Emphasizing to the Jewish/Messiah believing people that their way of honoring God [Yahweh] was only a ritual to continually remind them of their sin debt to Him. (also see 2 Peter 1:20)
v  First covenant topic starts at Hebrews Chapter 8:7 “For if that (refers to the first covenant)
v  (Hebrews 9) Not being faultless = not adequate (an unequal picture or image of the original)
o   The “fault was with “THEM” not the covenant.
o   The priesthood was a terminal position (see Psalm 110)
v  That God required propitiation for the “death sentence” He ordained for rebelling against Him. The continued sacrificial system was no longer needed that they were witnessing.
v  Consider the ending of the miracle Scapegoat and the scarlet ribbon. Rabbis attest that the miracle that occurred since its in-statement  in which the goat’s red ribbon turned white after its release into the wilderness, that immediately after  Messiah’s crucifixion, the ribbon never changed to white anymore.
v  When I make a “RENEWED” covenant – same word used in Jeremiah 31 [Greek conversion of the text attributed “NEW” in lieu of understanding the original text]
v  Carnal-pertaining to the physical, worldly earthly world vs. the spiritual or heavenly world in which we were created to dwell.
v  Tabernacle system purified carnal (temporary) flesh as a reminder that it was the Messiah that would come and purify our hearts and spirit (eternal).
o   *Bulls/Owen for Priests and Prophets
o   *Goat/Rams for all people
o   *Sheep for followers of Messiah? (*still pondering this correlation)
Frankincense for spiritual offering
o    (Interesting Side Note: Frankincense is tapped from the small drought-hardy Boswellia trees by slashing the bark,(Trials) which is called striping, and allowing the exuded resin to bleed out (Physical Response) and harden. These hardened resins are called tears (Spiritual Response). There are several species and varieties of frankincense trees, each producing a slightly different type of resin. Differences in soil and climate create even more diversity of the resin, even within the same species. Boswellia Sacra trees (Disciples and Missionaries) are considered unusual for their ability to grow in environments so unforgiving that they sometimes grow out of almost solid rock. Attachment to the rock is accomplished by a bulbous disk-like swelling of the trunk. This feature is slight or absent in trees grown in rocky soil or gravel. The tears from trees growing on rock are considered superior for their more fragrant aroma. [need citation where] The trees start producing resin when they are about 8 to 10 years old (just prior to age of accountability?) Tapping is done 3 times a year (Deuteronomy 16) with the final taps producing the best tears due to their higher aromatic terpene, sesquiterpene and diterpene content.
v  LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT-of the testator differs from a covenant or oath. (see Genesis 24-An oath is between the two who are alive, the ”will” of the testator is only affective, and can be adjusted and changed until his death)
v  Moses on Mount Sinai (Exodus 25) was a fore shadow of the future need for a second renewed covenant and set of commandments. Moses given the commandments, saw the rebellion, destroyed the tablets he scribed, he then received a renewed set just like the other, however-God wrote this set Himself. As on our heart, He has written them with the blood of Jesus if we receive Him as Lord (He is our Savior regardless-(Deuteronomy 18) it is in honoring the Lordship we will be judged).

Hebrews 9-10
o   Judgment for sentence of death penalty-“ Will giving you my pet dog be O.K. to fulfill my sentence of murder?”
o   Law (Carnal) replaced by Faith (Spiritual)-both “Law and Order” existed from the beginning of creation. We required physical pictures and examples in order to grasp the truth of the relationship that was purely spiritual before the separation by sin.

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